black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Conecta, colabora y crece en el IV Networking Solidario

Descubre oportunidades y fortalezas en nuestro networking cooperativo.

Oportunidades de Networking

Conecta con cooperativas y expande tu red.

Cooperación entre cooperativas

Impulsa tu negocio con alianzas estratégicas.

Alianzas y convenios
Crecimiento Sostenible

Empresas participantes

Networking Solidario

Este año, por primera vez, nos encontramos presencialmente para fortalecer conexiones y alianzas en el sector cooperativo. Con más de 20 empresas y 200 participantes en versiones anteriores, seguimos impulsando el espíritu solidario. ¡Conectemos y crezcamos juntos!



Servicios de Networking

Conectamos cooperativas para potenciar oportunidades y fomentar el crecimiento a través del networking efectivo.

A colorful advertisement featuring bold text in Italian promoting free services. Large text reads 'SERVIZI GRATIS! AFFILIATI ADESSO' with phrases contained in vibrant geometric shapes and bubbles. The ad highlights an offer starting from 2023 and includes marketing elements like a website, advertising, and magazine.
A colorful advertisement featuring bold text in Italian promoting free services. Large text reads 'SERVIZI GRATIS! AFFILIATI ADESSO' with phrases contained in vibrant geometric shapes and bubbles. The ad highlights an offer starting from 2023 and includes marketing elements like a website, advertising, and magazine.
A bustling trade show or conference with numerous attendees interacting around various exhibition booths. The venue is spacious with high ceilings and multiple displays, including one prominently featuring Smart Utilities and another labeled with LoRa technology. People are engaged in discussions and networking, adding to the lively atmosphere.
A bustling trade show or conference with numerous attendees interacting around various exhibition booths. The venue is spacious with high ceilings and multiple displays, including one prominently featuring Smart Utilities and another labeled with LoRa technology. People are engaged in discussions and networking, adding to the lively atmosphere.
Oferentes Destacados

Descubre los oferentes más relevantes en nuestro networking de cooperativas y amplía tus opciones comerciales.

Colaboración Efectiva

Fomenta la colaboración entre cooperativas para crear sinergias y maximizar el impacto en el mercado.